Man Welding with Orpex Modular Welding Table Man Welding with Orpex Modular Welding Table

About Us

Who We Are

Orpex Modutech is premier design, manufacturing, sales & service organisation providing comprehensive modular fixturing solution to welding industry.

Orpex modular welding fixture mainly consist a welding table with multiple holes and set of reusable clamping tools. These toolings can be assembled as a fixture for particular weldmet or job, modified as per requirement and again re-assembled for other different weldmets with same accurate result

Innovative, cost effective and accurate modular fixturing solution by Orpex constantly adding values to our customers business. We strongly believe in partnership with our customers to understand there need and improve daily production. We always look forward to work as a growth partner for you.

Orpex Modutech Vision Binoculars Image

Our Vision

To be recognised globally as most trusted, affordable, comprehensive modular fixturing solution provider to fabrication industry with broad range of product and ensuring valuable contribution to society at all time.

Our Mission

Devoted to achieve our vision by providing exceptional quality product, excellent customer support and unmatched service through partnership with our customer,management, employes ,sales and supply team by maintaining trustworthy environment.
Orpex Modutech Mission